K_05 Still femme
Ma rage, ma peine, ma haine n 'est pas d'être une femme . More than me taire quant le dais m'exprimer.
excerpt from the song Ma rage by Zara Mousa.
César Meneghetti
Video / Photography, 2008
Sam Cole Camera
Enrico Blasi Photography
Music Zara Mousa / Remix: Matthew Mountford

Between 1984 and 2007, the international community, the FAO, the WFP and Cooperazione Italiana mobilized to fight hunger in the Keita Valley, a place that in 1983 had experienced a severe drought, desertification, agricultural impoverishment and rural male exodus. The rebirth of the Keita Valley was possible thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the region's residents, mostly women like those portrayed in K 05_still femmes, who planted nearly 20 million trees in the last 25 years, and who managed to rebuild the entire economic life of the region. region. The soundtrack is a composition by West Africa's only female rapper, ZM (Zara Moussa), entitled “Ma Rage”, which was rearranged and remixed by DJ Matthew Mountford from sounds and music recorded live by Meneghetti in Niger.
Between June and November 2007, César Meneghetti, Italian photographer Enrico Blasi and English cameraman Sam Cole participated in several missions to the Keita Valley, within the PAFAGE project (IBIMET – Italian National Research Council), in order to register the work of the population in constant struggle against desertification in the border area between the Sahara and central Africa. Meneghetti and his partners participated in this routine, collected testimonies, and were able to exchange thoughts and sensations with a population of peasants about some basic concepts of existence.
K05_still femme is part of the K Lab Interacting on reality interface project (video, photography, installation - 2008).
CÉSAR MENEGHETTI A visual artist from São Paulo, he studied and worked in London, Rome and Berlin between 1987 and 2016. His work is centered on the concept of borders, migration, social issues, globalization as well as the issue of the anthropological other. It uses new media, installation, performance, and other media such as drawing, photography and painting. He was present at the 51st and 55th Venice Biennale, Sharjah Biennale, Cerveira Biennale, Adriatica Bienal, Teheran Bienal, La Paz Biennale and exhibits in Museums and Galleries abroad such as MAXXI, MACRO, El Museo Santa Fé, MLAC, Hit Gallery, Rosalux Berlin, Smith's Gallery London, Sacrow Schloss, Trasmediale, Microwave Hong Kong, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Recyclart Brussels, Tokyo Videoart Center etc. Brazil Contemporary Art Award (2010), FUNARTE Contemporary Art Award 2011, Inter-American Video Art Biennial Award (2009), Globo Tricolore Award (2012), Nastro d'Argento (1996, 2004-09), Petrobrás Cultural Award (2002 -06), PROAC Integrated Arts Award (2017 and 2019), In 2018-19, he organizes and curates the INCLUSION/EXCLUSION multimedia exhibition on various forms of exclusion in contemporary society at the Vittoriano Complex in Rome. Last year, he filmed the documentary GLAUBER, CLARO (80', 4K, 2020) selected at the Rome festival (Homenagens) and awarded the Critics Award as best Brazilian film at the 44th São Paulo International Film Festival. www.cesarmeneghetti.net