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Sully arrived a few minutes late at the workshop, having already warned that this would happen. Her little children appeared and disappeared on the computer screen. Sounds and voices and requests and urgencies also accompanied her. An enormous effort of concentration to develop an activity that would supposedly require introspection. Life and its crossings in art were not cut off from the creation process that we went through in the workshop. We let her enter, interfere, give new directions to the route. I didn't turn off the sound, nor did she lock herself in a room by herself.

The first object Sully drew were the buttons on the television remote control. Circular shapes. With the repetition of drawing these shapes in different parts of the body, concentration was born and the movements became light and constant. The last drawing, in which I ask the participants to draw the “path” that they repeated several times in different parts of the body, kept the circular shapes from the beginning, with a different tone. Most of the circles were closed, though some tended to spiral.

When talking about the choice of the "family" to synthesize the experience she had in the workshop, an emotional Sully said that the buttons on the remote control ended up being transformed into repetitive circles in which she sees her day-to-day life as a mother, professional, wife and all the social and affective functions that women exercise. Even the choice of remote control, with round buttons, perfectly closed, in my opinion indicates a focus on the word “control”.

A need to keep all these responsibilities balanced. She also said that 40 minutes of paying attention to herself, as she did in the workshop, was important for her to understand the situation she was now experiencing during the pandemic. This protected reality, which imposes on us to be closed in domestic and family circles, flowed from their aesthetic choices. Some circles cracked. They didn't close. Possibilities to recycle patterns; of open endings.

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Sully Siena, “Family”. Graphite on bond paper. Drawing improvisation performed at the body and art workshop, , held on July 1, 2021.

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