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performance of Samya Enes

In a world where language

and naming things are power,

silence is oppression and violence.

Adriane Rich

Silêncio - inicio da performance com naArtist Name
00:00 / 05:00

Silence , a performance conceived by artist Samya Enes, seeks to reflect on the silencing of women caused by acts of micromachism. For this, the work focuses on two perspectives: the abused body and the aggressor's language.

What female body is this that we present? How many marks, tensions, shortings, contractions does he carry to defend himself against daily micromachisms?

Can repetition generate displacements in listening and speech content?

Can talking and listening to micromachisms operating on a female body in front of you generate reflections?

Samya Enes is a multi-artist, cultural producer and educating artist. Graduated in Dance at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi and in theater at Teatro Escola Célia Helena. She is a creative interpreter at IMO Coletivo, Estranha Coletiva and Coletivo Hippo Rinoceronte. He conceived the performances Silêncio (2019), Caged Wishes Rot in the Hell of Amarelinhas (2018), Abuso Vivo (2018) and Jogo de Mim (2018). Directed HYBRIS at Enfim +1 Cia de Teatro (2016); Bichos and other Beings from Claraboia Companhia de Histórias (2016) and CÃO do Núcleo 1408 (2011). As a creative interpreter he worked in: Delfina, Síria is not here and Sinfonieta de Apertura, both from KairosPania Cia. Cênico Sonora (2017 -2019); Indirect Free, ÁPICE and PUNCH Experiment by Mais Companhia, directed by Diogo Granato (2015 -2019); At Coração das Máquinas directed by Rita Carelli (2016); Miséria Prima, Rara Palavra, a tribute to Carolina Maria de Jesus (2014-2018); A Scenic Poem for Ferreira Gullar directed by Ana Nero (2014-2015), among others. She works as a researcher at the NuSom Sonology Research Center at the School of Communications and Arts at the University of São Paulo - ECA USP and as a collaborating artist at the Dance - Art - Philosophy Center (DAAFI / UFABC). She is co-founder of Cotiara Produtora and co-director and curator of TEMA Festival de Artes on-line.

+55 11987881454

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